Current Client List
Below is a list of our current clients:
Northumbrian Water Ltd
Lumsden and Carol (ESH Group)
Durham County Council (approved contractor)
Stockton Council (approved contractor & emergency call out contractor)
Environment Agency
National Trust for Scotland
Byzak/AMEY/Enterprise (Now all the same company)
Strutt and Parker
Youngs RPS
Holkham Hall Norfolk
Neasham Hall
Darlington Housing Association
Habinteg Housing
Priory Group
Endeavour Housing Association
Anchor Trust
Town & City Management
Network Rail (Sub Contractor)
Hampton Court Palace (Sub Contractor to another company who works there)
Henery Williams Group
Various Town Councils, Schools & Churches
The Royal Family of Jordan
(We carry out training in Jordan for their team for a week each year booked in advance)